Smart Grid

[IEEE Smart Grid Webinar] Bridging the Internet of Things and Grid of Things for Effective Optimization

IEEE Smart Grid Webinar Bridging the Internet of Things and Grid of Things for Effective Optimization Presented By: Ron Chebra, VP of Grid Modernization 865-218-4600 x8108   As more and more distribution assets are connected to the grid...

Microgrids and the City

EnerNex developed and recorded a continuing education presentation entitled “Microgrids and the City – From analysis to case studies” that is marketed and sold by Red Vector on their website. Is your municipality prepared for a loss of power for...

PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM) | Renewable Integration Study

PJM has a transmission system that feeds electric power to 51 million people in 13 states. As part of the PJM requirement to meet national and regional standards, PJM looks into the future to identify situations that may require additional build out of transmission to...

Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS)

EnerNex led the Eastern Wind Integration and Transmission Study (EWITS), a culmination of an effort that spanned two and one-half years. The study team began by modeling wind resources in a large part of the Eastern Interconnection and finished by conducting a...

Renewable Plant Model Validation – It’s getting serious now

By Bob Zavadil, Executive Vice President and Co-Founder Bob Zavadil, EVP and Co-Founder of EnerNex, actively participates in the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG) and acts as the chair for the VG Modeling and Interconnection User Group. This post...

Houseman Featured in T&D World’s IdeaXchange

A Smart Grid Chasm-Crossing Dilemma How well does the “chasm-crossing” theory fit the power delivery industry? Peter Manos | Aug 04, 2016 In the strategic marketing world, we often talk about motivating innovators and early adopters sufficiently to catalyze a...