Apr 22, 2022 | Article

A Time-Domain Short Circuit Study for a VSC Based Battery Energy Storage System | IEEE Xplore

by | Apr 22, 2022 | Article

A Time-Domain Short Circuit Study for a VSC Based Battery Energy Storage System

Published via IEEE Xplore


A phasor domain short circuit study for a battery energy storage system was performed per ANSI C37.010-2016. Results showed high short circuit asymmetrical currents. Two time-domain models were also built— simplified and detailed ——to compare the results with the phasor domain study. The results of both the simplified and the detailed time-domain models agree to a large degree with the simplified model on the conservative side. However, the results of both models differ dramatically from the phasor domain model. The results in this paper show the need to update the ANSI C37.010-2016 to account for battery energy storage and inverter based-generation in general.

EnerNex Contributing Authors

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